*** The Pre-LP Scrapbook*** Pictures from the Pre-LP The Listeners | The Preamps | The Gear and Mics The Talent | Peek Inside | Just for Fun
The 3D PRE CD is the easiest way to hear $75,000 worth of preamps in your own studio. Volume 1 includes 34 preamp paths with female vocal and over 30 preamp paths in stereo with a McPherson acoustic guitar. To order your copy of the 3D Pre CD, Volume 1, click here. Lynn Fuston in front of the wall of 34 preamps. This was the largest collection of preamps ever assembled in one control room, expressly for the purpose of listening to them side by side. A view of the "Wall of Preamps" in the control room at Classic Recording in Franklin, TN. These 34 preamps were valued at $75,000. What a lineup!! Have YOU heard them all?
Dan Kennedy, the owner and preamp designer of Great River Electronics (below), stands behind the preamps, a position he maintained for two straight days. We joked that while the listeners might recognize each pre by its characteristic "sound", Dan could distinguish between them just by the distinctive "click" of the XLR connectors being plugged into the rear panels. Note the large boom stand in the background. This held an opaque fabric that was draped over it, and it covered the fronts of the units so the listeners would have no idea what preamp was in use, by looking at the VU meters or peak indicators.
Marabeth Jordon, the female vocalist, and Lynn Fuston of 3D Audio, in front of the "WALL OF PRE'S." Marabeth beautifully and dutifully sang the same passage over and over again (a total of 37 times) while the panel of engineers listened intently. After three hours in front of the mic delivering consistent and musical performances, the consensus was 1) that she has a marvelous voice, which you will hear for yourself on the CD, 2) that she is the epitome of professionalism, and 3) everyone wanted her to sing on their next record.
The 3D PRE CD-The easiest way to hear $75,000 worth of preamps in your own studio. To order your copy of the 3D Pre CD, Volumes 1 and 2, click here.